Bee Nucs

What makes our bee nucs special.

Peterson Farms offers quality 4-frame nucs that are available for pickup.  

We manage our own hives and nucs throughout the entire year and will never out source our nucs.  You can be assured that each nuc will have a 2025 young laying queen grafted from our selected stock.  We graft off predominant MN hygienic line genetics and we are the ones who monitor the potential breeder queens throughout the season.

how we make our nucs


1-9 nucs: $165 each

10-49 nucs: $155 each

50-74 nucs: $150 each

75+ nucs: Please contact us for pricing 

Please note:  We do not offer a frame exchange and a 50% deposit is required to secure your 4-frame nuc.  

If you would like to place an order, please fill out the form below. In the comment section, please let us know if your pickup location will be MN or TX. 

Payment methods we accept are: paypal, credit card, or check.

Order your Nucs

Pick-up locations and information:

Approximate pickup dates (weather permitting) are the 3rd-4th weekend in April and the 2nd weekend in May.

We will send out an email regarding pickup details around mid-April and we are always available for questions or concerns regarding pickup of your 4-frame nucs.